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As we say goodbye to 2013, I want to share a little bit with you about 2013 (like every other blogger out there on the planet...) as we move into 2014. 2013 was supposed to be the year, MY year.…

Ok so in all of my life, I never thought I would 1) enjoy running trails, 2) enjoy running 200 miles with 11 friends, 3) connect with and actually meet some of the awesome people I have met through running…

things i have failed at in the past few months: running (foot is down for the count = unhappy non-running becca) not freaking out (finals for spring semester, finals for summer semester, work, not enough time in the day) eating…

I have started writing a post about ten different times. I had several different drafts, from fun on crutches to how I have been trying to and failing working out while not being able to use my foot. I guess…

man so many things have occurred in both a good and a bad way in the past few weeks. Recently, I have come to the realization that my dreams of being an awesome and amazing solve-anything-programmer chica is in jeopardy.…