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Awwwww poor baby.... has your 2017 sucked? Did you get hurt (emotionally or physically)? Get a divorce or break up with that one special person you thought was your person? Lose someone (to disagreement or death)? Get fired? or maybe you're still sad about the 2016 election and "you just can't" with the country anymore…

How appropriate, "Bittersweet Symphony" (the Vitamin String Quartet version) just came on as I was beginning this post. I have discovered something I would like to share with you all. There are multiple types of haters. I have interacted with…

so here's the deal.... i get that because i drive a nissan x-terra people think it will do great in snow, that it is an all-wheel drive or 4WD SUV... news flash!!!! not all models are all-wheel drive/4WD --- for…