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So here is the situation. As you know I am a slack, but (!) I have been collecting some pictures from experiences over the past week. One of my coworkers had to get a rental because her car was on the shop, and the car the rented to her was a pt cruiser. I…

ok, so here's the sitch. I totally spaced about yesterday since I have Saturday off this week instead of Friday. I wasn't counting down until today. So here is yesterday's hump day. Decided to roll with a music edition, cause…

well, not a whole lot is goin on. I finished all 6 seasons of Lost last week and started in on Sons of Anarchy last night. Ah-MAZING! But enough about me; let's talk about you. You are probably here to…

well, better late than never... it has been snowing and icing on and off here since Tuesday, which seems to be driving a lot of people crazy... me on the other hand, I am just goin with the flow. On…

Hello all. Today, I bring you back the hump day you have all been missing!!!!   I know we all need it; whether you got haters hatin on you, or people bein fuckin idiots (yea, i might have some of those),…

So this week has been kinda week. Nothing of note has really happened. My car is messing up, goin to the shop today.... yay.... trying to get my final project for my Java class finished. Trying to remember to get…

so today hasn't been awesome by any stretch of the imagination.... yet! but this guy says everything is going to be awesome! i would like to share a few more literal translations of music videos for your entertainment! Billy Idol…