Well well well... so monday, we meet again! I have successfully exploded awesome all over about three rooms today. IT WAS AWESOME! peeps was wipin it off, but that was THEIR MISTAKE, because becca-awesomeness is like gold, rare, heavy, and well... AWESOME! With that being said, I have been listening to some awesome jams today.…

This post has been inspired by my boss who sent me this video clip this morning in response to my inability to beat him here: and then he came in to my office to watch me watch the clip, and…

heyla! so lately I have been trying to work on my other site, my online portfolio (when it is up and running, I will release the URL). I have also been trying to finish up some side projects. Hope to…

A couple of things. 1) yes, I DO realize that with every post, my titles get less descriptive then the ones before them. 2) HOLY COCK AND BALLS, I think my pants are on the verge of see-through -- mostly…

You ever decide you are going to write something and then realize that you have nothing to write about (or really... no appropriate thoughts for the public).... yea, that totally just happened! HAH! I guess since I lack real stuff…

How appropriate, "Bittersweet Symphony" (the Vitamin String Quartet version) just came on as I was beginning this post. I have discovered something I would like to share with you all. There are multiple types of haters. I have interacted with…