And now for something truely disgusting…

So I been thinkin for a few days now that it is time to update this thing. Here is my problem: every time I think about updating this thing, only one topic comes to mind… poop. Yes, I am serious. I mean, look at all of the things that poop has to do with: work, every day life, that special private time (what I call “becca time”) that you get when you’re in the potty and no one bothers you….animals fling poop…yea. They do. So naturally, this subject kept coming back to mind when I would think about what to write about, ’cause it wasn’t leaving until I did this… 😀

With all that noted, I been wondering if most people are like me and think about what they are going to do during their special time that they get each day. I like to read when I have “becca time”; I believe that is an inherited trait, as I learned by example from my elders… I mean seriously, my dad had it right man, you live in a house with your wife and two kids who always need something and the only quiet time you get, guaranteed, is in the potty. Reading only makes sense.

So anyway, back to my point — I been wondering what other people do in the potty. It isn’t like I have some sick desire to watch people sit and crap all day, but I do want to know if you, like me, read during your “you time”; do you play on your laptop; do you listen to your ipod or watch a movie on your ipod; do you stare at the wall; DO YOU HAVE A TV IN YOUR POTTY CAUSE YOU THOUGHT AHEAD?!???!

I know I can’t be the only one who wonders this. OOH! And here is another thought, also about poop… do you poop at work or in public, or will you only poop at your house? Are you like me where the girls bathroom is only one room and in between the offices of your boss’ boss, and your immediate boss’ husband and you feel like if you pooped at work you would get razzed until long after the smell left the room? Yea, true story, I feel like I can’t poop at work.

So yea, seriously… what’s your story?

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  1. Jerid Sudik says

    Honestly I’ve stopped pooping. I read a study performed at the University of Topeka (Carson et al. 1981) which scientifically confirmed that pooping is the leading cause of a dirty ass. After that I quit ‘cold turky’ as they say. Before though, well I was bad. I was taking a dumple stilskin up to 3 times a day. It was like my life began to center around letting the brown anakonda out of it’s hole. But I am doing better now. I can’t promise I won’t ever poop again, but I can get through today.

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